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The MC Planning System


主旨で 設計いたしましたこの学習設計モデルの実施も、おかげさまで10年目を迎えました。この間、個人のサクセスイメージのためのコンサルティングから企業の人財開発・職場活性にともなうコミュニケーション研修にわたって幅広いフィールドで実施させていただき、のべ10000名を超える男性・女性、性別を問わず多くの方々との研修現場にのぞんでまいりました。



自分を知り、他者を知り、環境をみつめ、仕事の仕方・具体的な目標設定・行動計画を明確にしその発揮行動によってパフォーマンス(効率・業績・実績)を導くこれらのガイダンスはこれから迎える未来に大きな飛躍を約束する羅針盤となるでしょう。そのために、まず自分自身を『知る』。そして『わかる』。 そして『わかる』から『かわる』。『かわる』から『できる』行動変容プロセスを確認します。その場にある、ひとりひとりが等しく個々の無限価値を輝かせ相互扶助の『連』から無限の可能性を創造するプロセスです

MC Planning, Inc. では、場を効果的に進行するMCスキルに励んできた専門スタッフの永年の経験と実績から皆様の研修ニーズを具体的に詳細にインタビューさせていただき御社環境のニーズに即した最善の研修を設計しカスタマイズしたご提案をさせていただきます。どうか、皆様のオリジナル研修施策実施にお役立てくださいませ。何なりとご質問ご要望をお申し付けくださいますようお願い申し上げます。

TEL: 03-5537-6945・FAX: 03-4579-0672
E-Mail: mcplanning@gmail.com

Interviewing -> Analyzing Needs -> Design/Proposal -> Implementation/Operation -> Feedback -> Consulting




●Communication Skillの向上

●Communication Satisfaction(交換満足)の向上から Delightful Satisfaction (交歓満足)へ
顧客満足向上 = 業績向上の具現化をめざし(Customer Satisfaction)= (Performance)   

Programs and Courses









The MC Planning System

We consider ourselves a trigger (opportunity) for opening the door of your imaginative and creative possibilities to let you realize your vision of enhancing the learning efficiency that you aim to achieve in forums, symposiums, educational programs and other projects where we do MCing (emceeing, announcements and interviews), deliver instruction, and undertake planning and operation.

Personal Design: For ten years we have conducted this learning design model, which was designed to investigate the infinite value of your latent potential and to let the significance of your existence become clear. During this time, we held training sessions for more than 10,000 people, both male and female, by such means as offering consultations for developing a self-image for individual success, and communication skill training for corporate human resource development.

Looking at yourself and your surroundings: In the process of creating a "personal design," in which your inner and outer eyes are used for self-discovery, and by which you autonomously clarify your target setting and action agenda, you first need to discover what triggers your actions from the viewpoint of behavioral psychology, and accurately determine what is expected of you from the environment you find yourself in. Knowing the motivation lets you acquire the necessary knowledge and techniques for performing the real tasks at hand, and you are thus able to display independent action.

・・・・・・・ SELF 〜 OTHERS 〜 JOB 〜 PERFORMANCE ・・・・・・・

Knowing yourself, knowing others, looking at your surroundings, clarifying a concrete target setting and action agenda, and then achieving performance (efficiency, achievements and results) through action... This process promises to be a guideline for making great future strides. You must, therefore, first "know" yourself. You then follow a process whereby you "understand" yourself, and then "change," thus "achieving" your goal. This is the process by which people can give equal expression to their limitless value and develop the limitless possibilities that come from people helping people.

At MC Planning Inc., we offer optimum training tailored to your company's needs. Our staff of highly experienced specialists, possessing superior MC skills for ensuring smooth and effective progress, conducts detailed interviews so that they can determine what is most suited to your corporate environment and situation. We look forward to contributing to your original training projects. If you have any queries or requests, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Development Concept
We let you gain the skills indispensable to successful business as we seek an ideal future vision for you. Information is compiled based on meaningful communication (mutual information exchange) and the overall process is a pleasurable interaction of personalities and sensibilities.

Personal Design Course
Counseling is offered on developing your self-image in order to improve your interpersonal skills

Intercultural Communication Design Course
Lets you understand communication against the backdrop of differing international cultures, and improves your interpersonal skills

CS Mind and Skill Design Course
Creates success stories for improving customer satisfaction, and lets you understand the behavioral characteristics of potential customers so that you can take action.

Brand Designing: Sales Skill Design Training
Develop brand power using corporate culture as a core, and improve sales communication skills.

Business Manner Design and Training to Improve Business Skills
Polishes your social skills and lets you understand the behavioral characteristics behind taking professional action so that you are ready to take action.

Optional Courses
English Training Course (Daily Conversation; Polish your English for Overseas Assignments), Communicative Ability Course for Training Subordinates (Leadership for dealing with various situations / Understanding DiSC behavioral types), Education Course for Promotion Staff, Presentation MC Training Course, Self-mind Counseling Using Art Therapy to Improve the Five Senses, Intuition and Empathy, Coordinating Seminars and Events
Design Methods
We offer personal design, which hones your abilities and draws out your latent creativity, to let you get better organizational results.

<Two Original CS Methods>

Improving Communication Skills
We create win-win results whereby your communication style is improved so that better relationships are created by bringing your positive attributes together with the positive attributes of others.

Increasing Communication Satisfaction, Customer Satisfaction and Delightful Satisfaction
Performance:  We aim to realize this equation and help you create the kind of loyalty that is indispensable to management.

We promise to create a self-educating organization through a process of making human resources into valuable human assets, whereby the knowledge, techniques, willingness and mentality of CS is the basis for maximizing business results.

詳細は 「和・沙・美 WaSaBi」 ・ 「LDノート」の記事をご参照ください。Books.htmlPrograms.htmlshapeimage_13_link_0shapeimage_13_link_1